How to make jQuery ajax req with optional parameters [ solved with $.extend() ]

Hi there,

I have two ajax requests that are very similar except for one key/value – I’m wondering how i can extract it out into a function and pass in the key / value for one request and leave it out for the other.

In my code below, the top function doesn’t have a token, where the bottom function does have a token. How can I set it up so I pass the token in when required, but leave it out when not required?
All the other values are the same, hence why I want to refactor
Here is my code:

var AjaxRequests = (function () {
            return {
              searchEntireChannel: function() {
                AjaxRequests.channelRequest("", {
                  part: 'snippet, id',
                  q: q,
                  channelId: 'UCLhwHoIKtoWBccOFPDmEFpQ',
                  maxResults: 12,
                  type: 'video',
                  key: '{KEY}'
              getNextPageItems: function() {
                // select next button
                var token = $('#next-button').data('token'),
                        q = $('#next-button').data('query');
                // Clear button HTML
                // Run Get request on API
                AjaxRequests.channelRequest("", {
                  part: 'snippet, id',
                  pageToken: token,
                  q: q,
                  maxResults: 12,
                  channelId: 'UCLhwHoIKtoWBccOFPDmEFpQ',
                  type: 'video',
                  key: '{KEY}'

              channelRequest: function(url, args) {
                $.get(url, args, function(data) { 
                  appendYouTubeData(data, q, function(item) { 
          })(); /* ------ AjaxRequests ---- */

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for the response, I think that might work but I’m not sure… Its a bit complicated, but I think I have the answer, using the jQuery $.extends() method.

This seems to work well:

var AjaxRequests = (function () {
            var options = {
                part: 'snippet, id',
                maxResults: 9,
                type: 'video',
                key: 'AIzaSyDKJYxyWUDZhykA8DUVOorUbmC7J7QAAUg'

            return {
              searchChannel: function() {
                // Get Form Input
                q = $('#query').val(); 
                // Build ajax req.
                  $.extend({}, options, { 
                    q: q,
                    channelId: 'UCLhwHoIKtoWBccOFPDmEFpQ' 
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