Hi guys I am working on Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu Step 64
and it asked me to Create a footer element and create a paragraph element inside the footer element that contains the text “Visit our website” and then inside the paragraph element nest an anchor element inside the paragraph element with the website “https://www.freecodecamp.org”.
Please help how will this code look like.
This is Step 64 on Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu.
Okay. Please use the “Ask for help” button so that we have a link to the challenge and can see your code.
Secondly what have you tried so far? Prior to this challenge, you’ve experience anchor elements. All the challenge is asking you to do is create an anchor (a) element inside a paragraph (p) element.
Hope this helps you come up with a solution. Happy learning.
Yes I created the anchor element within the paragraph element but it’s still not accepting my code.
This is my code
<a="https://www.freecodecamp.org</a>Visit our website</p>
<p>I nested the anchor element inside the paragraph element but it’s still not passing the step. 64</p>