How to publish faster solution in the Lesson Guide ? (Make a Person)

Tell us what’s happening:

I would like to publish this in the Make a Person Guide, but when I try I receive a restraining message…

Your code so far

var Person = function(firstAndLast) {
  this.getFullName = function() {
    return firstAndLast;
  this.getFirstName = function(){
    const regex = /(\w+)(?=\s)/gi;
    let firstName = firstAndLast.match(regex);
    return firstAndLast.replace(firstAndLast, firstName);
    this.getLastName = function(){
    const regex =   /(?<=\s)([\w\s\S]+)/gi;
    let lastName = firstAndLast.match(regex);    
    return firstAndLast.replace(firstAndLast, lastName);;
  this.setFullName = function setFullName(setFullName){
    return firstAndLast = setFullName;

  this.setFirstName = function setFirstName(first){
    return firstAndLast = first + ' ' + this.getLastName();
  this.setLastName = function setLastName(last){
    return firstAndLast = this.getFirstName() + ' ' + last;

var bob = new Person('Bob Ross');
bob.getFullName();//Bob Ross
bob.getFullName();//Paulo León

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Challenge: Make a Person

Link to the challenge:

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this is the error message

How may I post my answer in the Guide?

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