How to use

I need to know how to use a real-time library deepstreamio with node express and Mongoose anyone can help me

Hello, you’ll have to at least download VScode and node JS for starters. Anyway from there you’ll use npm. com to install things like express just type npm init using the vscode console and creat a JSON file. I think express should already be installed at this point. Here is a link with more information.

thanks a lot for you but I know how to use MongoDB and Mongoose indeed to know how to use “deepstream. io” with them to write a site with notifications and chat

They have docs on their site.

MongoDB DataBase Connector

Both the “realtime search” and “post-it-board” guide examples looks to use MongoDB. So maybe start there.

“how to” is a very broad question, and we have no information about what you are doing, how far you are, any specific code, or issue you need solved.

We can’t just tell you “how to do it”. We can try to assist you. Not that I have any specific knowledge about this.