HTML5 datetime Attribute

Can you spot where I’m going wrong for some reason I’ve done everything else but I cant figure out how to complete this part of the challenge

Your added time tags should wrap around the text “Thursday, September 15th”.

Your code so far

  <h2>Mortal Kombat Tournament Survey Results</h2>

  <!-- Only change code below this line -->

  <p><time datetime="2016-09-15">last Wednesdaytime>Thank you to everyone for responding to Master Camper Cat's survey. The best day to host the vaunted Mortal Kombat tournament is Thursday, September 15<sup>th</sup></time>. May the best ninja win!</p>

      <p>Posted by: Sub-Zero on <time datetime="2016-08-13T20:01Z">August 13<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Johnny Cage better be there, I'll finish him!</p>
      <p>Posted by: Doge on <time datetime="2016-08-15T08:12Z">August 15<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Wow, much combat, so mortal.</p>
      <p>Posted by: The Grim Reaper on <time datetime="2016-08-16T00:00Z">August 16<sup>th</sup></time></p>
      <p>Looks like I'll be busy that day.</p>
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Challenge: Standardize Times with the HTML5 datetime Attribute

Link to the challenge:

You are suppose to enclose Thursday, September 15<sup>th</sup> in time tags leaving everything else. check below!

 <p>Thank you to everyone for responding to Master Camper Cat's survey. The best day to host the vaunted Mortal Kombat tournament is <time datetime="2016-09-15"> Thursday, September 15<sup>th</sup> </time>. May the best ninja win!</p>

open the time tag before the actual date . Add the datetime attribute inside the time tag, before the specified date ( that means before “Thursday”). Inside the datetime, you’re going to add the date in the specified format (yyyy-mm-dd).
After that, write the date that’s gonna be shown (that means “Thursday, September …”)
Don’t forget to close the time tag after last step
Also, you can read the examples in the code that the challenge provide
The code should look like this: <time datetime="yyyy-mm-dd"> the date </time>

Thank you all sorted now much apprecited.