I am building a keyboard game using jqery... need some help ....selecting letter to highlight in the sentence as i type

$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 16) {
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 16) {


  $(document).keypress(function(e) {
    if (e.which) {
      var highLightedKey = e.which;
      $("#" + highLightedKey).toggleClass("keyColor");
    // if (e.which){
    //     console.log(highLightedKey);
    //     document.body.appenChild("highLightedKey");
    // }




var sentences = [‘ten ate neite ate nee enet ite ate inet ent eate’, ‘Too ato too nOt enot one totA not anot tOO aNot’, ‘oat itain oat tain nate eate tea anne inant nean’, ‘itant eate anot eat nato inate eat anot tain eat’, ‘nee ene ate ite tent tiet ent ine ene ete ene ate’];
var mySentences = sentences[0];

" + mySentences + “

var targetLetter = mySentences.charAt(0);

// //ok so you’ll have to have to have two variables—
// one to represent the index of the sentence, and one to represent the index of the letter
// then you will append the index of the letter to the html div where the letter goes
