I am new in OOP. Just created a first OOP program with C++. Anyone can help with my project?

When I compile this thing, I got a lot of errors. Can anyone help me with this?
I was trying to make a BlackJack game?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

vector<int> value(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10);
vector<int> value1(value,value,value,value);

class MyHand{
        bool Count = false;
        bool WantToDraw = true;
        void DrawCard(){
            if (HandDeck.size()<5){
                int a = rand()%52;
            else if (HandDeck.size()>=5){
                Count = true;
        int SumOfHand(){
            int sum = 0;
            for (unsigned i = 0;i<HandDeck.size();i++){
                sum +=HandDeck[i];
            return sum;


int main(){
    MyHand myhand;
    MyHand bothand;
    for (int i = 1; i<=2;i++){
        cout <<myhand.HandDeck;
    while (true){
        while (true){
            char draw;
            scanf("Do you want to draw card? (y or n only) %c\n",&draw);

            if (draw == y){
            else if (draw == n){
            else {
                cout <<"I take it as a no.\n";

        while (true){
            if (bothand.SumOfHand()>17){bothand.WantToDraw=false;break;}
        if ((myhand.Count==true&&bothand.Count==true)||(myhand.WantToDraw==false&&bothand.WantToDraw==false)){
    if (myhand.SumOfHand()<=21&&bothand.SumOfHand()<=21){
        if (myhand.SumOfHand()<bothand.SumOfHand()){
            cout <<"You lose. You are such a chicken.";
            cout <<"You win. How dare you?";

    else if (myhand.SumOfHand()>21&&bothand.SumOfHand()<=21) cout <<"You lose. You are such a chicken.";
    else if (myhand.SumOfHand()<=21&&bothand.SumOfHand()>21) cout <<"You win. Damn it";
        cout <<"Nah, you such a chicken.";
    return 0;


Thank you very much.
P/S: I can’t find the right tag for my problem. It used to have right tags for problems related to other programming language than Web development.

Ok, you have a lot of syntax issues going on in here.

I pasted your code into repl.it and this is what I see:

The first thing I’d fix is that it looks like you’re initializing a vector with incorrect syntax on lines 6 and 7:

Ok then
But why is my tag Back end help?
Just a small question

Hi @JerryHoang I have put your post under the “General” category for now.

Categories are usually revised based on main interests of our users. FCC forum policy is to keep a small number of categories in order to keep the forum simple to use. The undesired effect is that some of our users might not find an appropriate category for their posts.

That doesn’t mean your comment is not of interest to the community. As you see, someone with interest in C++ will find your post (I was looking for C++ myself and find yours).

Please continue to post your progress in C++ using the general category for now. If the trend changes, we will certainly create a more applicable category for this and similar posts accordingly.