I am requesting help with the Build a Survey Form Project

I am stuck on User Story #4. Any tips to complete it are greatly appreciated. The .html and .css are below. Thanks in advance for your help.





I think the input tags need to be closed.

Couple things I noticed, first the test suite isn’t passing because you placed the id=“name”,“email”,etc. on the paragraph element you are using to wrap your input field. So the test suite finds your paragraph element with the matching id but it is looking for an input field with that id. So move the id=“name”,“email”,etc. to the input element instead of the paragraph element.

Second, your input fields were missing their right angle bracket to close the element.

And third, <br> elements are self closing and don’t need a matching </br> element. So you are ok to just use
at each place you want a line break.

Otherwise the form is looking pretty good.

Best of luck!

Thanks so much for your help! I was able to correct the errors.

I am stuck on User Story 8 and User Story 9. Any tips to complete them are greatly appreciated. The .html and .css are below. Thanks in advance for your help.





Try this https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_type_number.asp

Here is some things i have noticed and can be improved on in your html.

  1. The red color is too bright. I tried experimenting with a duller color and got this:

  1. Make your title bigger

  2. I recommend making the questions centered but make the staring points equal. For example:

I put all the check boxs in their own div and aligned them to the left (yellow).

I then put that red box inside another box (blue). Gave that a width of 100%.

Finally i added the style margin: 0 auto; to center the red box inside the blue box. 30% width to given it some empty space (so it would appear centered).

  1. You don’t need to wrap everything in a div. You are actually missing a closing tag for a div also.