I can't understand Java Script

You might also want to dive into the logic of programming: there is a good Open Educational Resource for basic programming in general here: https://press.rebus.community/programmingfundamentals/

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Thank you very much for your wonderful advice! I’ll check the courses out.

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Thank you for your suggestion! I’ll check it out. All the best to all of us.

Four months isn’t all that long. Although, it does depend on just how much time you have actually spend coding and learning.

You already got some great replies so I can’t really add much.

I will say, it is important to not get burned out doing code challenges and algorithms unless you really love that stuff. Some really like challenges and algorithms, others need less abstract more tangible real-world things to work on. Personally I would recommend learning about browser/web APIs and DOM manipulation. That will give you something to play with that is more tangible and gives real-time feedback. It also forces you to learn about some underlying technologies of the environment your code is running on and not just some code sandbox.


Your experience is not only common, I would say it’s the rule. By that I mean that, in their JavaScript journeys, everyone sooner or later experiences a sense of defeat as they are faced with a concept they can’t “get.” I myself have had the feeling several times.

The trick is not to let that sense of defeat become real defeat. By that I mean, don’t quit just because you feel like quitting. Persistence is a superpower you have to develop if you want to learn JavaScript.
One other superpower you need to develop as a learner is the power to find answers to all your questions, in forums like this and in countless other free resources on the web. Doing online research is a skill every developer has to have.

One more piece of advice. FreeCodeCamp is a phenomenal learning resource but, just as the 6th grade isn’t the ideal educational starting point for someone who hasn’t learned his ABCs, FreeCodeCamp isn’t an ideal starting point for absolute beginners to programming.

W3Schools is bad-mouthed a lot online but I took several of their tutorials, including JavaScript, and had zero complaints. For a beginner, it has the advantage of a gentle learning curve. I’m sure there are plenty of other websites that are just as good. I would stay away from sites that teach JavaScript as applied to HTML and CSS until you have learned JavaScript in the abstract.

For learning programming concepts, Stencyl looks like a good bet. I have no experience of it myself, though. Best of luck to you.


Hello, Thank you for your great comment! you’re right. I need to work on the DOM so then I could connect the dots and draw the big picture. Thank you for the reminder.

Thank you for your kind comment! I do actually like W3Schools too.it’s like you said “Gentle”.
I’ve not checked their tutorials but now I’ll thanks to your suggestion.

This is why I love FreeCodeCamp. Thanks to all who replied with encouragement and suggestions. I can’t add much, but I agree with everyone. All good suggestions it seems to me.

I’m an old fart who began interest in computers in college in the late 1960s. I graduated with a double major in chemistry and philosophy, did some lab technician work in blood banking and joined some federal grant research projects. Went to law school in late 1970s, looked into everything I could in computers to make work easier. Learned Beginner’s All-purpose Simple Instruction Code, then Eight Step Pascal. Got into using Microsoft Basic to learn coding for Excel and Access. Got job with multinational insurance company because someone working on a project thought I could help them. Asked suggestions from IT guys there who told me in past they would have suggested certifications, but now everybody had them, so they said keep doing what you’re doing. They called it rapid application programming. Basically, just try to solve problems.

Thinking of focusing on one useful language I picked Javascript. I don’t regret it, but certainly opened many tracks and avenues of learning and pursuit. That’s still the case. I encouraged a young nephew who took some Full Stack courses like Treehouse and got a job. We’ve kept constant contact. He helped me do some small projects and suggested I do just that. Get together with someone and work together on a project or idea. There are groups in Slack. Also local Meetups.

I can’t thank more experienced developers on this forum enough for their help. There are many I would highly recommend. Look for someone, thank them profusely, keep an eye out for mentors. I haven’t really been looking for a job. I’m a retired lawyer with experience in forensic science expert evidence law. I keep taking great online classes on anything that peaks my interest. There are so many even free or relatively inexpensive relevant courses in AI, Data Mining, Machine Language, etc. I enjoy learning about game development because my very young grandsons love even the most simple basic games I learn to write for them.

Never give up. Slowly all your work begins to get better. Even go back over stuff you’ve learned and projects you did before. Try to rewrite everything with your own explanation words in coding comments. When you can explain to someone what you’re doing and reasons for the steps taken, you get to know it better for yourself.

OK, I wrote too much, but just hang in there, and let us know how you’re coming along.

Also, things in life happen. I’m now trying to recover three years of saved work that is in a dead hard drive. I have nobody to blame but myself for not having done backups. But even that takes me on a new learning tracks and experiences. I’m also forced to re-create my long worked on development environment. Even if I have to, I can recreate most of what I lost. I’ll keep at it. Lots of courage “geezer.”


Thank you very much Sir! I thoroughly enjoyed reading and it was’n’t long at all! Like you mentioned the community here gave me a lot of encouragements and wonderful resources.Now I’ve to put all of this positive energy into learning and hopefully into a product. All the best to all of us.

Hey @geezer i know how it feels to get stuck. But believe me u are making progress, it takes time have patience. And also try reading from multiple sources. All the best


I was in the same boat as you. I memorized concepts and syntax, could fly through a bunch of the curriculum, but then I wouldnt know how to implement this knowledge. Turns out this is normal, albeit its a confidence killer.

I found two things really helped me. One, do follow along coding tutorials on YouTube, whether its with Freecodecamp or with someone like Traversy Media. Once you get a feel for doing things over and over you begin to recognize how you should go about solving a problem.

Secondly, pseudocode is your best friend. It helps you to think about solving the problem using english (or any native language), and more often than not you will see that you naturally use coding language like if and else, or do/while. Verbs tend to be functions. Once you get good at that, you end up writing out the steps involved with solving your problem and can simply code away your solution. Also have to remember its a skill. Like all skills it takes practice and patience. Imagine you didnt know how to cook. You then memorize all the different types of ingredients that work together, safety protocols, the various cooking methods and how to work the equipment. Then without ever actually stepping foot in a kitchen, someone asks you to cook them a 3 course meal, all alone and with no real supervision other than internet forums. Chances are you would feel extremely overwhelmed. You can use your knowledge to get through it, but it wont be the best meal. But make a 3 course meal every day for 8 months and you will know exactly what to do in common situations. This is analogous to programming.

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You’re right! I love the analogy and it makes sense! I thought as long as I understood the concepts I’d be able to apply them easily, but that’s not the case at all. I need to practice them to fully understand them from all angles. Thank you for kind support and have a wonderful day ahead.

Javascript understanding the weird parts was a huge help. While I have taken some other Udemy courses, specifically Traversy course, Tony was able to break it down in a way that seemed to “click”.

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Me neither, but I don’t think it is necessary to work with JS.

It took me ages to understand concepts beyond vars, arrays and loops. Even now, I need to double-check things. I think the problem is that often people learn JS in a modular way, so key concepts are learnt in isolation rather than bundled together to make something that is functional (that works). Yeah, I know how to make objects. Hmm, so, how do I use them? There is a link missing between what is learnt and what can be done with it other than console.log(!);.
Flippin’ console.log. I mean why spend so much time in that on many courses? It’s okay for troubleshooting and getting a grasp of what’s going on, but I think it is not a code teaching and learning tool. What goes on in the console.log(stays in the log)

hahaha you’re absolutely right! when I first started learning JS, I didn’t how console.log would help me build websites! like you said whatever I was learning,It didn’t make any sense! but after learning about the world of DOM, things got real real fast. I don’t understand the order of the courses sometimes. Thank you for your comment. Let’s do our best.

You should check out PHP Mysql Novice to Ninja. This book has helped me tremendously in understanding some of the logic behind building programs. It has literally been the single best source in learning to automate my programs with functions. PHP is quite similar to javaScript. 
 I understand your frustration. I would run into the same thing. I would try to build something on my own and would just go blank. All I can say is keep trying. Download a cheat sheet for javaScript's built in functions and keywords. It is really important to understand what javaScript can automatically do for you. Once you learn how to implement those it will become easier to do what you want. PHP Mysql Novice to Ninja helped me to understand Eloquent JavaScript better. Both books are free online. 
  Also if you have a mobile phone, get in the habit of learning with every free moment you have. For example if you are waiting an hour at the DMV that is an hour to learn. Do it because you love it, not because you are thinking of the money you will make in the future. Eventually you will understand it if you want it bad enough.

Hey @geezer,

I am also a beginner and I feel you! All this feels too much and complicated. What has helped me go through so far is looking at code and projects that are at my beginner level. Ok, I haven’t found that many projects that are at my level but I can recognize and read code that is at my level and that gives me joy and confidence that I am progressing well.

I hope this helps.

Happy coding camper! :purple_heart:

Interesting! I never knew that PHP is similar to JS.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Have a great day.

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Hello Gio-jb,
That’s a sweet suggestion!
thank you for the helpful suggestion.


Now you’re just going to have to figure out what to do and let your fanbase know :slight_smile: but that would mean getting off the forum and doing it… which I am about to do :stuck_out_tongue: