I completed relational database(Mario)

I complete relational database(Mario) but when i check the database tutorial list it doesnt show as if i have completed is that completely normal?Or should i have gone about exiting the code editor differently?

Oh it finally put a tick before it hadnt.

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I’ve noticed that you need to have both your VM open on this page, and open another tab going to the course curriculum to get that checkmark. If you missed any of the previous courses, just finish the last step to reach congratulation before using the workaround.

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Question i exited the learn bash by building a boilerplate(build a boilerplate), how do i get back in? On the mario id do the whole terminal>new terminal {psql --username=freecodecamp dbname=postgres} the view>>command palette the open code road…How do i go about the boilerplate one

Coderoad wasnt working but it just did so no need for solution