I couldn't get through uploading an image 😓

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Agreed. It should be changed to what it should be then: inside the main element on line 3 or 4 or , ’ after the opening <main> tag on line 3 or 4. Inside or outside, the challenge passes.

@Fischerdils99 Did that work?
@leebut If there isn’t one already go ahead and GitHub Issue that bad boy.

Okay. Reporting it now.

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How do I underline the src=" " element I.e the link to cat picture, I haven’t passed this task and I see in the next test that to add the image is correctly in this order but the src=“element underlined”

it doesn’t seem that the url you are using for the image is the same that you are tasked to use (the one in your first post was correct, even if not used correctly) - look at the one in the challenge description
underlining is just a visual thing, done automatically, it is not something you do yourself

Greetings friend I have this task to upload and image,the first picture contains the instructions and the second picture is what I have imputed over a few days now but to no avail I need help

This is my input

This seems to be what am not getting right

your link doesn’t match the given one, they need to be the same

for the future, please, share your code, not a screenshot - it will be the only people can help you for more complex tasks

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I have imputed the right link but am told my image should have a src attribute that points to the kitten image. And that’s what stops me from completing the task

and it is because it is the wrong link
as you have posted a screenshot I can’t quote it to show you, but you have one or two characters of difference. yours is not even a valid link as it doesn’t start with http://, so right now the kitten image doesn’t appear in the web page you are building
you can pass the test only if the link you use match exactly the given one

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Ok I’ll check the link and also copy and paste here to show you please

fcc relaxed cat

Still says I should have a src attribute that points to the give image…

That’s the code I was given I copied it out

and why are you not using that in the challenge?

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thank you friends damn I couldn’t see I was missing this : character for 3days now :face_with_hand_over_mouth::shushing_face::smiley_cat: am new to this but I love the challenge thanks for being 100% supportive

Sorry dear I wasn’t aware of the missing character …mybad