I do not uderstand my mistake. need help

Tell us what’s happening:
There is a mistake in my survey-form but I do have 2 groups of radio-buttons, 3 radio-buttons in each
“Every radio-button group should have at least 2 radio buttons : expected 1 to be at least 2
AssertionError: Every radio-button group should have at least 2 radio buttons : expected 1 to be at least 2Every radio-button group should have at least 2 radio buttons : expected 1 to be at least 2
AssertionError: Every radio-button group should have at least 2 radio buttons : expected 1 to be at least 2”

Your code so far

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36.

Challenge: Build a Survey Form

Link to the challenge:

please provide the link to your project so t is possible to help you

remember that you group radio buttons together by giving them the same name attribute

here’s the link

The failing message says the same thing as the last hint that was given to you.
The failing message says; “Inside the form element, I can select a field from one or more groups of radio buttons. Each group should be grouped using the name attribute. Each radio button must have a value attribute.”

As an aside, don’t use the <br> element to force spacing or line breaks.

your radio buttons do not have a name attribute, so you are not grouping them together

also I suggest you use an html validator (even the one in codepen itself - there is an arrow, click there and then on “Analyze html”, same for CSS), you have invalid code

thanks for your help