I don't understand where I went wrong, help

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<a href= " #footer">Jump to the bottom</a>
<h2 id= "footer"> </h2>

<img src="https://bit.ly/fcc-relaxing-cat" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">

<p>Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff. Purr jump eat the grass rip the couch scratched sunbathe, shed everywhere rip the couch sleep in the sink fluffy fur catnip scratched. Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff.</p>
<p>Purr jump eat the grass rip the couch scratched sunbathe, shed everywhere rip the couch sleep in the sink fluffy fur catnip scratched. Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff. Purr jump eat the grass rip the couch scratched sunbathe, shed everywhere rip the couch sleep in the sink fluffy fur catnip scratched.</p>
<p>Meowwww loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it yet spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch or lay on arms while you're using the keyboard. Missing until dinner time toy mouse squeak roll over. With tail in the air lounge in doorway. Man running from cops stops to pet cats, goes to jail.</p>
<p>Intently stare at the same spot poop in the plant pot but kitten is playing with dead mouse. Get video posted to internet for chasing red dot leave fur on owners clothes meow to be let out and mesmerizing birds leave fur on owners clothes or favor packaging over toy so purr for no reason. Meow to be let out play time intently sniff hand run outside as soon as door open yet destroy couch.</p>


<footer>Copyright Cat Photo App</footer>

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Challenge: Link to Internal Sections of a Page with Anchor Elements

Link to the challenge:

Hello and welcome to the freeCodeCamp community~!

You have given the id="footer" to your <h2> element instead of your <footer> element.


no: <h2 id="footer">

yes: <footer id="footer">

Did that help? Sorry if it doesn’t. :grimacing:

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Can you please tell me what " The a text should be “Jump to Bottom”. " means?

that this is not Jump to Bottom
slight differences like this matter here

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It’s alright. You’re doing good. You have the text Jump to the bottom
it needs to say Jump to Bottom

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haha! @ilenia hey! you beat me there!

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Thanks a bunch, it worked!!!

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Thanks to you, too! I am new, I am panicking rn haha

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Don’t worry. I’m not as new, but I still panic.

And in the beginning I couldn’t ask for help because my account wasn’t fully set. I know exactly how you feel. Keep it up!

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Hey, do you think I can actually learn HTML properly using this website, freecodecamp?

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Oh, yeah, totally. I didn’t fully understand it tho, till I did the freecodecamp projects. When you are done with the lessons, they’ll give you projects to complete. Those will help you a lot. You’ll get it.

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I know I am coming off as a fool, but I just started learning HTML and that is on freecodecamp like maybe 25 mins ago. Now answer my previous question again? Sorry, I am being an annoyance :confused:

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Oh, no. You aren’t a fool at all. Trust me, I could beat you in being a blockhead any day. :crazy_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning:

So what you are doing right now, is taking lessons in HTML, and soon CSS. When you have completed those lessons, you will next have to build fun and simple web pages with directions using the skills you ran over in the lessons. When you do those web pages, you will know html pretty well.

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Um, thank you so much! One last question, I can learn HTML here only or do I discontinue and find another source? :3
Goodnight <3

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Goodnight? Where do you live!? (You don’t have to answer that).

But anyway, I believe that freecodecamp is prefect for teaching you HTML, keep it up! But when you get to JavaScript, you might want help from others as well, but don’t worry about that for now.

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India. You’ll be there to help, right?

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Whenever you need my help, just do this @codeofdreams and it will message me. I’ll come when I can.

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Thank you! I will remember that. Also, isn’t there like a messaging feature on this page? It’s weird to carry such a conversation via comments haha

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Oh, you can pm me. Here, I’ll pm you.

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