I got offered a job!

Just a little back story. I was truck driving, but have always been a techie. I decided to ditch the truck driving and focus on expanding my skills and trying to break into tech. The idea was to “just learn” web development and freelance, so I can work for myself, from home. In hindsight, that was quite the overly ambitious goal. I joined up with FCC in September. Previously, I had always been into computers but have only done things on codecademy briefly so I was quite new.

Anyways, there aren’t many jobs in my little town, like at all. I answered an ad for a data entry/customer service job. I have some html/css on my resume and one of the owners noticed and wanted to chat with me. He drew a webpage layout and gave me a whiteboard and asked to write what code I’d use to make that layout. He only asked for html/css, no javascript. I was caught off guard but just gave it a shot. Also, another worker asked if I knew anything about responsive web design. I just told them I did a little bit of bootstrap but they seemed glad that I knew what they were talking about. So, I wrote my code and to my surprise he said it was pretty good, and said I’d be better in “production” than just doing data entry. Offered me a job!

I don’t know if it’s web development per se, or more web design, and the pay is way low. Comparable to entry level call center work, but, it’s a start. And it’s paid experience doing web stuff, which is more than what I was expecting going into my interview. So, I’m looking at this as very valuable experience and hoping it’ll assist me in eventually landing a higher tier tech job in the future. Just wanted to share!


That’s awesome! Congratulations!

You just went from learning for free to being paid to learn. I love it. It sounds like web development to me. They gave you a design/sketch and asked you to develop the real deal.

Thanks for sharing!


Congratulations! I hope you’ll stay with us and add your professional perspective to the conversation.



Small towns can be fantastic, in that regard (sometimes big-fish–little-pond situations).


Congratulations! Being paid to learn is way better then just learn to be paid. :wink:

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Congratulations vxm007. Funny how life can turn on a dime. Keep going!

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Congrats!!! That’s a great story and gives hope to a lot of people on this site!!

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Congratulations! The only advice I can give you is you should learn Git or Mercurial for Version Control which is tools that you will need it for collaboration.

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Hearty Congratulations. That is such an inspiring story. I recently started my move towards front end development and your post gave me some much needed motivation. All the best for your new endeavor.

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Congrats yooo! That’s pretty cool! :smiley:

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That’s awesome, Take the opportunity and go forward, do not think about the money (But we have to with our other commitments) but your dedication will be paid off int future for sure. All the very best for successful career.

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That’s great! I was a truck driver and now work as a dispatcher also wanting to switch careers, your story has motivated me to keep goin. Thanks for sharing.


Great story! Awesome!!!

Congrats! That’s a great opportunity.

Very cool, congratulations man.

Great, keep it up mate !

That is so wonderful and it amazes me that when people step out of their comfort zone and just take those first steps it’s amazing what can happen. I am learning graphic design and just started free code camp to help with front end development to build web applications. There is so much to learn and sometimes it’s so overwhelming but I know that if I keep persevering I will get there. Your stories keep me going. I have a background in health but wanted to get involved in startups and digital design as I love to design and love innovation

Congrats. I think I joined FCC around October. I am still driving the truck :smile:
But enjoying the process of learning to create things on the computer. At 48 I have no delusions of joining the staff at google, but it is always good to hear of someone who has a similar background getting rewarded for their effort trying to learn all of this stuff. Good for you!


Congrats @vxm007 !! It’s amazing how opportunities unveil themselves.