I Just Finished FCC JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification

Hi there, I just wanted to share this with you guys out there and to tell you never stop believing in yourself. The journey through FCC’s JavaScript curriculum wasn’t easy but with hard work and determination I have been able to complete it. There were times when I felt like quitting but I always came back because I had a target that I wanted to achieve. FCC JavaScript course is tough to be honest (I have taken other JS courses before ) but it is also thorough and teaches you a lot of things. You too can do it because I have done it :grinning: :smiley: :smiley:


Hey there @mark.akom2019!

Thanks for sharing your experience, I’m currently on the FCC JS course and it’s so much harder than Html or CSS ever was but knowing that many people have started and completed the course helps me to keep on going.


Best, Cy499_Studios

Congratulations on achieving this milestone! Keep up the good work and happy coding!

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Congratulations on that milestone. Good job!

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Keep up the good work!

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