I keep scoring 9/10

Does anyone have any ideas of what I could be doing wrong?
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Click on the “9/10” tests passed to see the reason why.

Keep in mind your img-div css is doing nothing because you forgot the hashtag: #img-div.

Check your HTML and you will see something is wrong with the image:

 <img  id="image"> 
    src="https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.qEUsXNF4EsZaUrS8JY5awQHaLH?pid=ImgDet&rs=1" alt= "Luke Bryan" >

This code creates two images. One image with a id of image that has no value. The other one is the image you see. The #image is not centered (should be removed) which is resulting in the error.

Put the image id on the luke bryan image and remove the empty image.

(I was a few seconds away from answering your last post, but you deleted it)

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