Hello, dear community!
I’m happy to announce I’m finally finished with a project I’ve been working on for months. It’s a (mock) portfolio page for my twin sister, who is an aspiring pianist.
I built the original version of this site as my final project for the Responsive Web Design certification, but decided to rebuild it on my own without the limits of passing the tests. What I thought would be a short, cool project turned into a long, (but still cool, I hope) and difficult ordeal with dozens of rebuilds and start-overs. It is the first time I have used JS on a site, and I experimented with other technologies like GSAP for some animations, Lenis Smooth Scroll and the Intersection Observer API. It was as educational as it was laborious.
Feedback on the design is what I’d appreciate the most, but any other feedback would mean a lot. How is its usability? What do you think about my aesthetic choices? Feel free to give me your thoughts, whatever they are. I’m learning independently, so any feedback both orients and encourages me.
Oh, and before I forget, the contact form is functional, so feel free to try it out.
Thanks for taking the time to take a peek!
Nicolas, 17
Here’s the link: (update complete!)