I need help with a couple of issues I'm not sure of

I’m editing https://medium.com/@jonatacorrea/91e255b55f03

He uses quotes on this, but doesn’t say where it comes from:
“ Challenge Based Learning (CBL) provides an efficient and effective framework for learning while solving real-world Challenges. The framework is informed by innovative practices in education, media, technology, entertainment, recreation, the workplace and society. “

The first sentence is in the first paragraph and the second sentence is in the final paragraph of http://digitalpromise.org/initiative/challenge-based-learning/. I just linked the first three words, Challenge Based Learning to that page.

However, the beginning of the second paragraph is:
Today’s students have to solve problems in content-centric classrooms, but these problems usually lack real world context. (No quotes)

The first sentence of the second paragraph at https://images.apple.com/education/docs/CBL_Classroom_Guide_Jan_2011.pdf reads:
Today’s students are presented with content-centric assignments that meet standards but lack a real-world context and opportunities for active participation.

Am I over reacting? Or is it a strong enough paraphrase?

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Great question, Koni.

In the case of “Today’s students have to solve problems in content-centric classrooms, but these problems usually lack real world context.” I think that’s sufficient parapharsing, especially since he’s linking to the articles in question.

Still, all of the direct quotes should be cited.

I will send the writer an email and tell him to carefully cite all his quotes.

I’ve created a new column in Trello called “Changes Requested of Author” and moved this card over to it. For now I recommend choosing another story to edit.

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Thank you Quincy.

I’ll work on a different story.

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