I need help with this error in html project


I dont know what is the problem. There is an error with the project or how can i do two labels with the same id? Becaouse i try to do two lables with the same id but is not working

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Hi @Ookiin

No idea, try to edit the post and add a link to that step and your solution. It will be easier to help you.
También te puedo responder mejor en español llegado el caso. :wink:
A ver si averiguas cual es el problema.

Try to solve prior errors if you have any, It could be that. But you just need one label element whith id=name-label. So it could be just a bug too. For that try to sign in again and even update your browser if is necessary. Or even switch to a different one: Chrome and Firefox work well for this, in general. But update them as they need.
Happy coding and weekend Andrés!

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