I need someone to code with me

That’s a good idea having a study group of same technology interests.we will create one if it interests more people.

Coding gets boring fast especially when you’re the only one doing it among your peers. I’m currently finding my way through python and I know a telegram community of vibrant coders depending on the technology you’re using. If you’re interested I’d send the link to you.
And yea, I’m open to share ideas. I love talking about coding :wink:

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Hey @gorebollido, @tallahpossible, @javakian1 @joemens_14, and @neodynamics
All welcome to the Forum!

We can create a new discord or slack group.

Slack would be great

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I have PM you all.
we chat there

basic javascript and es6. it will be enough to make react components. although I,m also a beginner. @CodeZone.
@codely it would be great to collab. currently , I’m on the javascript modules.

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that would be great please join th group

any link to the group ?

I have invited you @hrs070.

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Sure @ilyasabdullahi.

Could i join to your group ? I m really lonely too and i m trying to learn how to code

you can join the group here. https://freecodecamps-zfg1951.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-k6wpe5tv-W4v52~kDDQMmV1l7H45IuQ


Coding has never been a lonely job for me and I’ve been doing it professionally for 5 years.

I guess it depends where you work but I definitely don’t think coding should be lonely.

I rarely get an hour to myself at work.

@codely One way to overcome the loneliness may be to just be public about what you’re learning and working on . Share your stuff here in the freeCodeCampe forums, share it on Twitter, if there are local groups in your area share it with them too.

Another way is to participate on Twitch. You can watch other people and chill in the chats or start streaming yourself and over time you might get a small group of people together who may even code with you on the stream.

I would also search around for any code jams. They happen all the time and are a great way to meet people who code.

Your very post in this forum is also a great way to overcome loneliness as you’ve already seen :slight_smile:


I am a senior .NET Developer with front-end experience. 15 years .NET and 2 years Java, and 5 years VB.NET/ VBA/VB6.

I work a lot with JavaScript. If anyone is of a intermediate level and wants to talk about anything - or seek a peer review of their pull requests - or just talk about being depressed / having imposter syndrome / feeling inadequate / etc - then I would be honoured to have your time.

Any time from now until the New Year (7th January) I have free. If anyone is going to be spending Christmas Day alone then hit me up. If you live near West Yorkshire then we might be able to sort something out and help you out. Nobody should be alone - and development is a terrible job for mental health. It warps and suppresses our social skills through being unable to interact physically with others (aggravated by COVID of course at the moment) and typing text messages to other people is one of the single worst ways to speak to someone. More arguments occur because of a misunderstood mobile phone message or email than any other communication medium I believe I read something about.

Anyone who is wanting to be a really good developer and wants some help then so long as you leave you arrogance and assumptions at the door, then you are welcome to get in touch and have us discuss any issues you are facing.

I know that when I started as a developer and lacked the real-world experience, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the extra things you have to learn. The shock of learning that academia and reality are very different things. Developers in the real world must be fast and fluent in the coding they do. There is little time to reflect on your work sometimes. However, there are techniques that can mitigate this.

I advise everyone to keep a journal or diary of their career. Doing this was not only cathartic for me as a developer - but I could perceive my progression. As I got better at coding, I was acutely aware of this and could even approximate how much I had improved. I also processed my emotions better when I could look at how depressed I was in my previous job. This allowed me to consider what to put my energy into - and best direct my studies.

Also - befriend every developer who is more senior than you. This is especially true when that person is one of the top 1% of developers. You know - the ones that voraciously churn through articles and magazines - sometimes even books. The ones that know obscure things about the language they are working with - and often end up being head-hunted for a role at Amazon / Google or Microsoft.

Network. Network. Network. It’s not what you know that will get you that seriously good opportunity - so much as it is who you know . They will introduce you to other people and if you surround yourself with the people who represent the person you want to be - then you will very well end up that person! For example, surround yourself with entrepreneurs and you will find your motivation increasing along with your “blue sky” thinking.

Hope to hear from anyone. My Skype is <redacted> which is also my email. No harrassment or inappropriate contact - unless you are a young attractive female - in which case - I’m up for your “pair” programming. I’m not into a guy’s pair though - sorry. :smiley:

I am of course joking. I will consider men too.

Joke! Let’s be professional but friendly when we talk and if I am going to give up my time then I want to be able to say how long we spend together. Ido have a life outside of work. Or at least - I did before COVID destroyed Western Civilisation whilst making billionaires out of surgical mask manufacturers :slight_smile:


JSX it’s a JavaScript XML type mix :slightly_smiling_face:

I have edited your post to remove personal infos, you can exchange contacts in direct messages, the forum is public and frequented by spam bots

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Hi, @codely, it’s my great pleasure to read this article. let me join to your group.
if you agree, let me know about the team`s goal, please.

Hey @Jack628!

You can join the group by click the link the below


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I can colb, but tell me what time zone your in and when you are free, I could make a zoom meeting.

Hey @Me123!

I don’t join any zoom meetings. but you collb with me, by joining my group

Here is the link