Idk how to solve the next challenge in this problem, please help

Tell us what’s happening:
Describe your issue in detail here.

   **Your code so far**

function nextInLine(arr, item) {
 // Only change code below this line
 return item;
 // Only change code above this line

// Setup
const testArr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// Display code
console.log("Before: " + JSON.stringify(testArr));
console.log(nextInLine(testArr, 6));
console.log("After: " + JSON.stringify(testArr));

   **Your browser information:**

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.83 Safari/537.36

Challenge: Stand in Line

Link to the challenge:

Hello there.

Do you have a question?

If so, please edit your post to include it in the Tell us what’s happening section.

Learning to describe problems is hard, but it is an important part of learning how to code.

Also, the more information you give us, the more likely we are to be able to help.

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Can you please click the link below that is the challenge, I have solved some of the parts but couldn’t move to the third stage of that challenge

Please describe what problems you are having in your own words. What error messages did you get? What parts are confusing you? Etc

You aren’t using the function arguments, which should be a red flag for you.

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