If you go through six rounds of the game, you should see the alert show up with your final score. But when you dismiss the alert, you are able to keep playing f

If you go through six rounds of the game, you should see the alert show up with your final score. But when you dismiss the alert, you are able to keep playing for more rounds past the original six. To fix this, you will need to reset the game.

Declare a resetGame function to do so. Reset all of the listOfAllDice elements to display 0, update score and rolls to be 0, update round to be 1, set the totalScoreElement text to the user’s total score, clear the score history by setting it to an empty string, set the rollsElement text to the number of rolls, and set the roundElement text to the current round. Finally, reset all of the radio buttons to their initial states.

Call this function after displaying the alert with the final score.

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