I'm a bit overwhelmed. Can I use Netlify for this?

Hi! I just got started with FCC. I’ve been messing around with Javascript for a bit, but I’ve always become overwhelmed and fizzled out.

I just found out about Netfily and am thinking about using JAMstack using Gatsby and Vue. I know there are paid apps for this, but I’d like to make a custom app for my family. Ideally, I’d like it to be a PWA.

I would like to work up to this as my project. I wanted to make a simple site that uses:

  • Google Auth to access the site.
  • MongoDB to store our info: the kids’ points, chat lines, status messages, etc
  • Eventually, use google drive for storage. Or connect some how. We us a shared drive for documents (insurance cards, receipts, etc.")

Am I doing too much? Is this still considered a Static site that can use Netlify for hosting?