Im stuck help me

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body {


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Challenge: Create Texture by Adding a Subtle Pattern as a Background Image

Link to the challenge:

Hi there @Ahmed15. No need to fear, your code is very close to the correct solution.

This challenge asks you to use the CSS property background to give the <body> of our page a subtle background. FCC provides us a CDN link for the image so all we must do is pass the link (wrapped in quotes) into the url function.

Insert the CDN media link for the background image FCC provides into the url() function.

Hint: Make sure to wrap the image link in quotes when placed into the url function! And always make sure to declare all CSS declaration blocks like so (using a colon after CSS property and semi colon to end the line)

  body {
    background: url("CDN link");

Happy coding! :smiley:

Hey @Ahmed15, How are you?

try to wrap the URL between quotes, and just to provide a nice format I would suggest you to leave a space between the colons and the word “url”

Try like this and let me know if it works.

Have a good day :slight_smile:

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im sorry but im stack help me please

@Ahmed15 Did you try replacing your code inside the <style> element with my reply? Hopefully I was able to explain the small issue you were facing.

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Where are you stack? :slight_smile: tell me if I did not explain something well in the previous comment.