Implement map on a Prototype..Help

Tell us what’s happening:
What does this stand for here ?

Your code so far

// the global Array
var s = [23, 65, 98, 5];

Array.prototype.myMap = function(callback){
  var newArray = [];
  // Add your code below this line
  this.forEach(a => newArray.push(callback(a)));
  // Add your code above this line
  return newArray;


var new_s = s.myMap(function(item){
  return item * 2;

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Link to the challenge:

this refers to the object that the .myMap method/function is associated with. In this particular case, this refers to the array (s) on which .myMap is called.

So this refers to [23, 65, 98, 5].

You can look back at this challenge for the first mention of this.

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Thank you.

Thank you for mentioning, I was wondering why did that happen. I will see to it next time.

Thank you. That clarified my query.