Inconsistencies in RPS Machine Learning Project


I am having some inconsistencies in whether my code passes for the RPS project. Here are some examples:


I didn’t notice this until after I submitted, unfortunately, so I’d like to clear it up quickly in case I get audited. I am wondering what could be causing this type of performance.

Here is my code:

import numpy as np
import random

def player(prev_play, opponent_history=[], self_history = [], Q=np.zeros((3,3,27))):
  op_hist= opponent_history.copy()
  original = True

  while original:
    except: break
  ideal_response = {'R' : 'P', 'P':'S', 'S':'R'}
  guess = 0 

    # Update Q table
  states = ['RRR' , 'RRP', 'RRS', 'RPP', 'RPR', 'RPS', 'RSS', 'RSP', 'RSR',
            'PRR' , 'PRP', 'PRS', 'PPP', 'PPR', 'PPS', 'PSS', 'PSP','PSR', 
            'SRR' , 'SRP', 'SRS', 'SPP', 'SPR', 'SPS', 'SSS', 'SSP', 'SSR'
  actions = ['R', 'P', 'S']

  plays = ['R', 'P', 'S']

  if len(op_hist) > 4:
     # previous three opponent moves before my last move
    last_three  = ''.join(op_hist[-4:-1])
    last_state = states.index(last_three) 
    last_action = self_history[-2]   # my second last play
    action = actions.index(last_action)
    last_play = self_history[-1] # my last play
    play = plays.index(last_play)
    last_opponent_play = op_hist[-1]

    if last_play == ideal_response[last_opponent_play]: # if I won
      Q[play, action, last_state] += 1
    elif last_play == last_opponent_play: # if I tied
      Q[play, action, last_state] += 0
      Q[play, action, last_state] += -1 # if I lost 

  # If at least 50 plays done, then check for patterns
  if len(op_hist) >=50 : 
    # Check for patterns in their responses 
    for i in range(50):
      string_responses = string_responses + op_hist[-i]

    maximum = 0
    for pattern in ['RR','SS','PP']:
      maximum = maximum + string_responses.count(pattern)

    # If a pattern >= 60% of the time, play what beats it 
    if maximum >= 15 : 
      for pattern in ['RR','SS','PP']: 
        if op_hist[-1] == pattern[0]:
          predicted_next = pattern[-1]
          guess = ideal_response[predicted_next]
          original = False

    elif maximum < 15 :
      # Check for patterns dependent on previous self throw 
      countRP = 0
      countSR = 0
      countPS = 0
      for i in range(1,50):
        if (throw == 'R') & (response == 'P'):
          countRP = countRP + 1 
        elif (throw == 'S') & (response == 'R'):
          countSR = countSR + 1   
        elif (throw == 'P') & (response == 'S'):
          countPS = countPS + 1 

        patterns= {'RP': countRP, 'SR':countSR, 'PS': countPS}

        #If pattern exists >60% of the time, play what beats it
      if sum(patterns.values()) > 30:
        for pattern in patterns.keys():
          if pattern[0] == self_history[-1]:
            predicted_response = pattern[1]
            original = False

    # If no patterns, play based on Q table 
  if ((len(op_hist) > 20) & (original is True)) :
    direct_last_three = ''.join(op_hist[-3:]) # last three opponent moves
    current_state = states.index(direct_last_three)
    current_action = actions.index(self_history[-1]) # my previous play
    i = np.argmax(Q[:, current_action, current_state]) # most likely prev + next move that results in me winning    
    guess = plays[i]

    # Random guess up to 20 
  elif len(op_hist) <= 20:
    guess = (random.sample(plays,1))[0]

  return guess

The latest part I added was the Q table (I know it’s not really a Q learning table, but I am calling it that for lack of a better name). Before this part, it consistently passed the everyone except abbey (consistent failure).

I thought I added the Q table strategy in such a way that it would only affect the games against abbey, since the other methods are used if they work (>60% of the time). But, now it is sometimes failing kris, and also sometimes failing abbey. Also, the win rates are varying by >15% for abbey, and > 50% for kris. The other two players are still consistently passing.

Kris and Abbey are reactive players whose responses depend on your plays, so if you start with certain plays and your player is reactive then you can get trapped on certain pathways that lead to either a win or a loss in certain conditions. In other words, this kind of variability is expected unless you’re careful in your implementation.

It looks like you’re trying to use a Markov chain algorithm (your Q stuff) to start and then a frequency table (your 60% test stuff). My guess is that the frequency analysis is getting stuck in losing pathways with Kris and you’re seeing normal variability with Abbey.

Examine their code if you haven’t already for more insight. I would look for one winning method against each player (even if it’s different for different players) before attempting to combine multiple methods into one.


One of the 60% patterns is meant to beat kris, and it did consistently before I added the Q-table. I also added the random plays for the first 20 plays at the same time, so I thought maybe this was causing additional variability - sometimes, getting stuck in losing patterns, as you mentioned. I eliminated the random plays, and that seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks!

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