Information Security with HelmetJS - Hash and Compare Passwords Synchronously

Tell us what’s happening:
image preview show only the text CANNOT GET?

Your code so far
My codes are as shown in the image attached to this post

. I passed all the steps but why the image only show the text “CANNOT GET”? Is my code correct or have missing information?

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Challenge: Information Security with HelmetJS - Hash and Compare Passwords Synchronously

Link to the challenge:

Please post your actual code instead or pictures. Thanks

Cannot GET / (mind the /) at the end, means that you have no server listening at the route / which is the path that your request “waiting for”.

If you put url/hello it will tell you Cannot GET /hello, because there isn’t either a server at that route.

So at the moment, what you have in the server.js is a piece of code that will run but not returning anything to the user (apart from that default express message), or even has a route defined.

I don’t know what exercise is this but you will likely need some app.get('/', (req,res) => { /* do stuff */ } )

Thanks for the info but I still cannot understand what you mean in your last sentence. Maybe after I finish the tutorial part that explain
how to get this app.get(‘/’, (req,res) => { /* do stuff */ } ) and why I need it, only then I understand what you mean.

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