Information Security with HelmetJS - Install and Require Helmet

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I have been trying to solve this problem checking other forum posts but the tests keep failing

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solution: boilerplate-infosec - Replit

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Challenge: Information Security with HelmetJS - Install and Require Helmet

Link to the challenge:

Replit is being stupid again. Use -- in front of the account name in the URL instead of the .

It was really slow when I tested it and timed out but when I ran it again it passed. So you may have to try a few times. The issue is not with your code, the code should be passing.

That worked! thanks a lot for the answer. Do you think I have to continue adding the – to make it work? Thanks again!

Maybe, maybe not. I can’t say because I don’t know the root cause of the problem.

But if you open the full page preview (not the embedded view next to the editor) and it says something about SSL and a refused connection (can’t remember the exact error message) you have to use the -- URL.

Forking the Replit might fix it, using a new boilerplate might fix it. It’s all pretty random.

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