Information Security with HelmetJS - Mitigate the Risk of Clickjacking with helmet.frameguard()

helmet.frameguard() middleware should be mounted correctly
Why its not mounted correctly if the test on replit shows that its works?

solution: boilerplate-infosec (4) - Replit

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Challenge: Information Security with HelmetJS - Mitigate the Risk of Clickjacking with helmet.frameguard()

const hidePoweredBy = require("hide-powered-by");
const frameguard = require("frameguard");

I guess it’s because you’re importing these as individual dependencies, when they’re already there to be used within helmet?
You don’t need to require anything but helmet itself, and then mount through helmet.

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Now i have this error ReferenceError: hidePoweredBy is not defined
at Object.

Thank you,i had understood its go better now :sweat_smile: :joy: :+1:

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