Information Security with Helmetjs


The system won’t let me go to the following question (I am in Install and Require Helmet):
“helmet” dependency should be in package.json

The dependency is in the package.

“dependencies”: {
“express”: “^4.17.1”,
“helmet”: “^3.22.1”

Thank you

when you write about a challenge, please always include the challenge link, and your code, if you are working outside freecodecamp, the link to your project, please

Welcome, fjcapelo.

Ditto to what ieahleen said, and to ease your frustration:

  • Glitch has been having server stability issues, over the last few weeks, and this affects the tests.
  • To test, add this URL to the end of your Live App path in the browser: /_api/package.json

If you get a quick response with your package.json file, then your app is properly up-and-running. If you see the page refresh multiple times, before the content appears, then you can deduce Glitch is not serving your app properly, and the tests will likely not pass.

Hope this helps

Thanks for your quick response ¡¡¡¡.

Yes, I am copying and pasting it into the Solution input

SKY020 is right, glitch is not working

Thank you very much ¡¡¡

Glitch is not working.

Thank you very much