Initial click of method call doesn't show map until second click

I am using Angular-Maps within my Angular application
I have a working map showing markers etc although I have an issue with my map not loading on initial click , the map loads if I click out anywhere

getAddress() {
    this.regForm = new FormGroup({
      address1: new FormControl()
    if (this.regForm.valid) {

      if (this.locationSearchField !== undefined) {
        const loqateAddress = this.locationSearchField.nativeElement.value;
        if (loqateAddress.length > 0 && loqateAddress !== this.locationSearchFieldModel) {
          this.locationSearchFieldModel = loqateAddress;
    if (!this.geocoder) {
      this.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
      'address': this.locationSearchFieldModel
    }, (results, status) => {
      if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
        // console.log('STATUS', status); = results[0];
        this.lng = results[0].geometry.location.lng();
        this.showmap = true;
        this.searchaddress = false;
        this.mapzoom = 14;
        this.gettheaddress = this.locationSearchFieldModel;
        this.searchaddressright = true;
      } else {
        alert('Sorry, this search produced no results.');

Well what I alway’s do to check whhere the fault may lie.
I first figure out the obviouse.
Open it in at least 2 diffrend tabs to see if it’s now just a browser issue.