Initialize the three variables a, b, and c with 5, 10, and "I am a"

I followed the instructions to a "t"Why am I not passing this test? I don’t know what else to do to get past the // Do not change code below this line message!! I’ve repeatedly "read and followed the directions sigh!!

My code is

```var a = 5;
   var b = 10;
   var c = "I am a";

a = a + 1;
b = b + 5;
c = c + "I am a String!";

  • I also tried above the code line and had better results with the following but still got the do not change code below this line message.
   var b = 10;
   var c = "I am a String!";

a =  a + 1;
b  = b  + 5;
c =  c + "I am a String!";
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
var c = "I am a"

a = a  + 1;
b = b + 5;
c = " I am a String!"

I got it thanks… It helped me to know to make sure no extra lines was added.
Thanks again for your help.

If you are careful about the lines that say “add your code above/below this line”, “don’t edit above/below this line”, you will have less trouble in passing the tests