Intermediate Algorithm Scripting - Search and Replace

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I have completed this challenge, but I still do not understand why in this part:
else if(before[0] == lowerLetter )
return str.replace(before, after.toLowerCase())
when i use strict equality operator, this test does not pass:
myReplace(“I think we should look up there”, “up”, “Down”)
but when I use equality operator, it passess
I already known the difference between these two, but I still do not understand why.Can you explain that to me, thank you

   **Your code so far**
function myReplace(str, before, after) {
 let upperCaseLetterInBefore = before.match(/[A-Z]/)
 let lowerLetter = before.match(/[a-z]/)

if(before.indexOf(upperCaseLetterInBefore) === 0) {
 return str.replace(before,after[0].toUpperCase() + after.slice(1) )

else if(before[0] == lowerLetter ) 
return str.replace(before, after.toLowerCase())
return str.replace(before, after) }

console.log(myReplace("I think we should look up there", "up", "Down"));
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Challenge: Intermediate Algorithm Scripting - Search and Replace

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above your if statement. You actually got lucky in solving it this way as the return value of before.match(/[a-z]/) is an array. The first index has the matching letter, so use the == operator the array get coerced into a string of the first element. Using the === would validate the two values have the same type. They do not, so the expression evaluates to false.

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