Is if statement inside another if statement called nested if statements?

Hi all. I’ve learned how to use an if, else if and else statement, like this:

var aNumber = 5;
if (aNumber === 5) {
console.log(aNumber); // 5

But what if I use an if statement like this?

var aNumber = 5;
if (aNumber === 5) {
    if (aNumber) {
        console.log("This will print because both inner and outer if statement are true."); // This will be printed since the test is true.
} else {
    console.log("This statement will not run since both inner and outer if statement are true, so that the else block will not run."); // This will not run.

Does this one is called nested if statements?? :confused:

Please answer. :smiley:

Pummarin :grinning:

Hi @pummarinbest
Yes you are correct. :slightly_smiling_face: