Is it bad to be jumping around to different coding learning platforms?

I was referred to FCC from The Odin Project to learn web development. Now I’m wondering if I should go back and finish their path or just stay over here. There are so many different platforms to learn this stuff it can feel overwhelming, it’s like I want try them all out.

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Try them.
I learned on w3schools, codecademy, khanacademy, and a few more…

Decide what you want to learn.
Databases, frontend, backend, servers, data science, security?

Search for roadmaps and look for sources of knowledge.

And remember - be selective.
You will not be able to learn everything.
Learn what you need to get a nice life standard, and what is interesting to you. In that order.

Good luck. : )


This is what sets me back. Analysis Paralysis. I can’t help thinking what I’m currently trying to learn will be obsolete by the time I start applying to jobs so I keep switching topics and never end up diving deeper than the surface. However, I do feel pretty dead set on web development/full stack/responsive web design.


As long as you focus on the core langauges of the web (Html, css and javascript) and you know how to learn then you will be fine.

Yes technology is always changing but the fundamentals aren’t going to drastically change by the time you start looking for jobs.

Libraries and frameworks are always changing but as long as you understand the core language it is based on then you will be good.

Just focus on getting good with the fundamentals and building projects along the way.

Choose the platform(s) that work best for your learning style.
They all pretty much teach the same things with just slight variations.


I think you should choose one as your core and finish that. Sure, jump around to other sources to help out with certain concepts (I never would have finished without youtube tutorials) but you want to have a solid path - people that jump around too much get off the path.

Don’t worry about finding the “perfect” path - it doesn’t exist. But jumping around randomly is worse than a “less than perfect” path. Sure, take little side quests, but keep coming back to that basic path. When you finish it, reassess and see where you want to go from there.


Perhaps take a short break and re-evaluate your learning objectives and techniques.

I’ve always understood a few things in terms of learning to code:

  • There’s no way any coding learning platform can teach me everything, and I must eventually learn how to independently research and acquire new knowledge and skills from more advanced sources such as official documentations.
  • Learning to code is a continuous process because ideas and techniques change and evolve, and new things are bound to come out, which isn’t a unique thing to the IT industry.
  • It’s crucial that I get plenty practice solving coding problems independently. (Read about tutorial hell)

Based on these ideals, I did my research and eventually chose FCC as my exclusive source for structured coding lessons, and it mainly acts as a roadmap for me. Simultaneously, the other important skill I’m teaching myself is how to find my way around in the sea of online documentations (MDN web docs, whatwg/w3c specifications, Microsoft technical documentations).

I don’t worry about anything I learn become obsolete because I’m sure if I can stay on top of the three points mentioned above, I should be able to stay competitive.

PS - these are so true:


It depends.

I do it like this:

  • If I want to change the material, because I want to stimulate myself or feel lazy: no change, try to push through it.
  • If I think the material isn’t adding value or is way above or below my current knowledge: I change.
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Cool, I’m already kinda doing that.

Like leet code?

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Not really. It just means when you are met with a coding challenge/problem, work out the solution yourself rather than asking others for direct answers or give you hint every step of the way.

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