Is this plan dumb?

Hello everyone,

This is my first post after discovering this forum.

In short I’m looking for some advice on my current career plan.

As I recently lost my job due to Covid-19 I’m currently learning Web Development through a website called Code Academy. I’m putting in about 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening.

My aim is to be good enough to properly build 3 websites.

1 is for my hobby of Hiking, the 2nd and 3rd being Business websites for some family and friends.

Ideally I’m hoping to build a 4th website that serves as a portfolio of my work which I can then use to apply for jobs.

As I know nobody in this field of work I’d appreciate any feedback on this is a good plan or not.


Hi @Misfit_Miller96 welcome to the forums!

In short I’m looking for some advice on my current career plan.

My aim is to be good enough to properly build 3 websites.

Ideally I’m hoping to build a 4th website that serves as a portfolio of my work which I can then use to apply for jobs.

Why not apply for jobs right now and see if your plan will be “good enough”?
Depending on your goals, building websites for family wont be a worthwhile job opportunity.

Depending on your job goal, you might or might not be able to get a job after just working on 4 sites, especially if the sites stay “simple”. I recommend looking at the jobs you could apply to and see their requirements, look into what those requirements are/entail and re-evaluate how long it would take for you to learn those requirements.

Some of the requirements might seem crazy and hard, but you can learn anything given enough time and grit. If your spending 4 hours a day learning you might or might not have enough time to soak up the info and gain some practical experience using/learning stuff in a reasonable amount of time.

So go checkout some jobs and re-evaluate and readjust your plan accordingly :slight_smile:

Good luck!

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Hey it sounds like a plan but you have to consider you own learning skills into account but the rule of thumb is that projects are king. Whatever theoretical prowess you have, projects will overrule that. So I suggest making a lot of projects, which you are planing on doing. Seems like a decent plan but take it slow and you should be good

Cheers mate