Issue with Course Challenge Content Not Displaying

Hello Everyone!,

I’ve created a new course and added a challenge to it. However, after adding content to the .md file for the challenge, only the JavaScript code is showing up, and the rest of the content isn’t being displayed.

Could you guide me on whether I need to run any specific commands to sync the data or perform any additional steps to ensure the content displays correctly? I’m not sure if there’s something I’m missing in the process.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your support.

Hello @bhupendra!

Is this a git and GitHub issue you’re experiencing?

This isn’t a Git or GitHub issue. I’ve set up a local environment with FCC and the server is running on port 8000. I created a new course and added a challenge to it, but the challenge content isn’t showing.

you need to use the correct challengeType for your project, and also the correct value for the flags usesMultifileEditor and hasEditableBoundaries

I’m not sure what you mean by “correct challengeType” and “correct values for the flags.” Can you please explain in more detail?

it’s what’s used to determine the type of editor that it’s needed for the challenge, so check on a challenge that behaves like you want yours to behave, and check what values it has. challengeType is in the step file, the two flags are in the meta.json file

“name”: “module4”,
“isUpcomingChange”: true,
“usesMultifileEditor”: true,
“hasEditableBoundaries”: true,
“dashedName”: “module4”,
“order”: 42,
“superBlock”: “javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures”,
“challengeOrder”: [
“id”: “66e3fe547e3cd15eec044767”,
“title”: “Step 1”
“id”: “66e424792c8cc80e984ac365”,
“title”: “demo1”
“helpCategory”: “JavaScript”

this is my meta.json file of that course ,
I’m still getting the same issue. I can’t see the challenge content.
Can you tell me where exactly I need to make changes in the meta.json file and in which folder path it is located, apart from the file I’ve already sent you?

that is the meta.json file, correct

these are the two flags I was talking about.

for challengeType, you need to change it in the step file itself, ie

Hello Team,

I would like to add a step in my challenge that contains only text (no code or video). Could you please suggest which type I should choose—such as js, html, video, or something else—for adding a text-only step?

Thank you for your guidance!

I don’t think there is such a challengeType, you will need to implement that yourself