Iterate thru json and get every xth object value


I’m using the google-sheets-api to get data from a spreadsheet.
The data that I see in my console is seen in the following snippet:

valueRanges: Array(1)
majorDimension: "ROWS"
range: "'ma1'!A1:J38"
values: Array(38)
0: (10) ["maandag 1 april 2019", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "week IV"]
1: Array(10)
0: "kafee"
1: "naam"
2: "functie"
3: "van"
4: "tot"
5: "van"
6: "tot"
7: "Subtotaal"
8: "totaal"
9: "Info"
length: 10
__proto__: Array(0)
2: Array(10)
0: ""
1: "Ine"
2: ""
3: "9:30"
4: ""
5: ""
6: "18:00"
7: "8,5"
8: "8"
9: "Reservaties/opmerkingen"
length: 10
__proto__: Array(0)
3: (9) ["", "Michiel", "", "9:30", "", "", "17:30", "8", "7,5"]

I get the data with

document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = response.result.valueRanges[0].values[0][0];

I could do this for every cell in the sheet, but I have a lot of cells in that sheet.

I’m hoping I can make use of the returning structure in the JSON.

valueRanges: Array(1)
majorDimension: "ROWS"
range: "'ma1'!A1:J38"
values: Array(38)
0: (10) ["maandag 1 april 2019", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "week IV"]
1: Array(10)
0: "kafee"
1: "naam"
2: "functie"
3: "van"
4: "tot"
5: "van"
6: "tot"
7: "Subtotaal"
8: "totaal"
9: "Info"
length: 10
__proto__: Array(0)
2: (10) ["", "Ine", "", "9:30", "", "", "18:00", "8,5", "8", "Reservaties/opmerkingen"]

The values array shows 0 - 38 other arrays that are going from 0 - 10. Now for example every 0 - 10 array has the same data on its parent array (0 - 38). How could I iterate that I populate new div elements with every 1st value of for example 0 - 14 parent arrays.

direct example: I want every time of the third element in the array and populate them below each other in divs.