January 2018 fCC Cohort

Oops, I think I jumped in too early. I’m a bit concerned about sticking to the schedule since it uses the beta curriculum. I understand that a) my progress from the current curriculum are not transferred to the beta so I have to start from scratch; and b) once the beta is the default curriculum, my progress in the beta will not show. Could you please clarify on this situation? Thanks a lot!

@npalopoli Does this help:

HTML/CSS Questions, Resources, and Discussion (January 2018 Cohort)

It does, thanks! Just to clarify, then: I can follow the beta curriculum now and join the January 2018 Cohort. My progress on the lessons in the default curriculum will not be shown in the beta, but they are not needed for the certificate. Only the completed projects are needed and I can copy+paste the project links I’ve already completed to get credit. We’ll see if progress in the beta is copied when it becomes the default (probably in around a month) but again, coping the project links will be enough.

Thank you for the help and please add me to the cohort! (I can’t find the ‘Edit’ post myself, if there’s one).

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Here’s the new forum topic. The deadline for the Applied Visual Design and Applied Accessibility sections is January 14, 2018 @ 23:59 PST.

I am really surprise with FCC version beta, I have done only 260 challenges form the original one, but I was getting bit upset with for example, JSON and AJAX lessons just before… not explaining anything just copy paste ready code… I am now on applied accessibility, and I am so happy with beta one. I hope so rest of the curriculum will be similar to first few chapters.

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This may be helpful if someone tried every browser and still having the same problem with the beta.FCC, I am having the same problem, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t …This is the video I made for those people who want to have a quick look at how FreeCodeCamp Curriculum 2018 will look like and what type of projects will be there.
FreeCodeCamp Curriculum 2018 :This is beta FCC



I am learning by myself and this is really something to hold on to that will help me to manage my time and share my progress, questions, problems, solutions, and reference & resources with like-minded people, I am in but I just started so what to do ?. Well Thanks, @camper and everyone. #StayCreative #HappyCoding

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I’ve managed somehow to sign myself out of FCC.
I couldn’t get in with my git account so had to start a new account and relink git.

I’m on applied visual design having completed html and css.
Beta has reset the course to the start though.

Is it a requirement to have the html and css marked as complete by the system?

I may want to do it again anyway.

For now I’ll carry on with AVD.

Anyone else had this issue?

Yes, i am having the same issue here.What should be the different approach that will work?

I’ve noticed the text in the map isn’t marking as complete.

However now that I’m in (new sign up with same details) I had started AVD and was at the Applied Visual Design: Create a More Complex Shape Using CSS and HTML lecture.

FCC appears to have saved the exercises.
Quite bizarre.

I’m just clicking through the first 10 or so with no need to make any changes.

I’m now where I left off.

Check and see if you can do the same.

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@MMahendra001 I added your name to the member list above. Now bookmark and watch this topic and the two forum topics in the schedule in the first post. :sunny:

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It is not a requirement to complete the challenges. Only the projects are required.


Thank you @camper, Schedule is really great.Awesome work.

A quick question about the challenges.
As an example …the tribute page!
I just drafted a tribute page. Before I go any further …

Are we expected to build a tribute page that passes the code pen test …or are we expected to code a page similar to the tribute example?
Copy it and guess what has been done. Without looking at the code.


@johnhannahdev Anything that passes the tests is acceptable. The specific design and any additional functionality is up to you.


I am trying to get the test to go all green, then I am going back in and looking at the design of it. So for the survey page, I did a very very basic form with some placeholder text to get everything green so I know what I had to do. I have since forked that and I am now working on the CSS to try and make it look a bit better.


Thanks for the feedback.

Yes I’ve done a draft and have found 3 bugs. Understand what they are so rebuilding based on that.

Might try your approach for the challenge.


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I find it easier that way. I am not really creative so the CSS and the layout/design of a site is my biggest issue.

So for my survey I have https://codepen.io/angelinalblyth/pen/KZRdNq which is all green. I am now working on making it look better which I am finding difficult.


Yes styling is something I’ll have to work on.
I’ll need to take some inspiration from the web/Pinterest/site templates etc.