Java first part help

Tell us what’s happening:
I’m new to java programming i have no idea what im doing

Your code so far
// Example

var ourName;

// Declare myName below this line

myname = John

// Example
var ourName;

// Declare myName below this line
myname = John

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36.

Link to the challenge:

" In computer science, data is anything that is meaningful to the computer. JavaScript provides seven different data types which are undefined , null , boolean , string , symbol , number , and object .

For example, computers distinguish between numbers, such as the number 12 , and strings , such as "12" , "dog" , or "123 cats" , which are collections of characters. Computers can perform mathematical operations on a number, but not on a string.

Variables allow computers to store and manipulate data in a dynamic fashion. They do this by using a “label” to point to the data rather than using the data itself. Any of the seven data types may be stored in a variable.

Variables are similar to the x and y variables you use in mathematics, which means they’re a simple name to represent the data we want to refer to. Computer variables differ from mathematical variables in that they can store different values at different times.

We tell JavaScript to create or declare a variable by putting the keyword var in front of it, like"

I pretty much don’t understand any of this i’m totally new to coding

It said Javascript have variables that are used to store data. The data could be of one of the 7 data types that javascript have. Then it give you and example of number data type 12, 20 ,30 and also of string data type "12", "20", "30", "String". So from this you know that string are collections of characters between " " or ‘’ (single or double quote), so 12 is number data type and “12” is string. So your name should be between " " like “your_name”. Then it say the way to declare or create a variable is using the command var followed for the name or label of the variable and the code show it like var ourname; (ourname is the name or label of the variable, the semicolon is used to indicate the end of the command). so you should use var myname = “Jhon”; .If you dont use the quotes the parser (program that read your code) will belive that Jhon is a name of a variable or something else since is not written like a string.

When you make a variable, you’re not only telling Javascript (and us!) the value of the variable, you are telling us the type as well. var myName = null; is a valid statement in javascript because null has a specific meaning. John does not. Not unless you were to make a var John = “Johnny”;

Text in Javascript will need to be a string, which is always surrounded by " " or ’ '.