JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects - Palindrome Checker

Hi! I´m trying to do the Palindrome Challenge. I don´t understand why the result string always has “undefined” at the beggining.

Your code so far

function palindrome(str) {
  let regex = /\w+/gi;
  let noSpaces = str.match(regex); 
  let newStr = []; 
  let result = [];
  for (let word in noSpaces){
    newStr += noSpaces[word];
  for (let i = newStr.length; i >= 0; i--){
    result += newStr[i];
  console.log(result) /* **this returns "undefinedeye"** */;
  if (result === noSpaces){
    return true
  } else {
    return false


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Challenge: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects - Palindrome Checker

Link to the challenge:

Yes, but I thought of doing let i = newStr.length + 1; but it didnt´t work? Maybe i didn´t do it correctly

Ohhhh, you´re rigth! Thank you!

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