JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects - Telephone Number Validator

If you ‘learn and practice’ by watching a video of someone else solving the projects and submit something that looks like their project, your certificate can be revoked.

You should look a zero solutions before submitting your project. There is always time to look at other solutions and improve your code after you solve the project.

You’re only cheating yourself.
If you complete my code exercise, you’ll spot your tiny mistake right away.

I’ve solved my problem. Thanks.

Learning doesn’t stop. We keep learning even after passing some tests.

Yeah, programming is all about continuing to learn.
Just make sure you are not looking at other people’s solutions before you submit your projects.

Sometimes we learn, thinking that we’ve known it all maybe tried it once or twice and it worked but at some point you may want to try the same to solve a similar problem but find out you’re having some bugs and that’s why we asked questions in an interactive forum like this.
So never pass judgement on one another. the way you learn and understand things may not be the same way another person learn and understand also.

I am telling you that looking up other people’s how-to solution videos before you submit your project is a violation of the honor policy that you agreed to.

Research is good. Watching videos on how to solve the project before submitting yours isn’t ok.

Thanks dear, it’s been fixed.

You are right. We all are different. But make the same mistake twice in two consecutive projects you’ve done and not knowing how to fix it? The console errors are there for a reason and understanding them is a big part of coding experience. You may one day write your own error logs and need to be able to understand them.

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Seeing this pattern gives me a strong indication that you have not done your homework. You should be able to learn that by working through all the JS exercises.

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Also, I will add that this challenge can be solved with just one regular expression, and probably should be. I’m not sure whose youtube you watched to help solve this but it is probably not the best way to go about it.


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