I have encountered a problem. I am trying to display the numbers being pressed, but when I first press a button, the number doesn’t show up at first, but when I press another button, the first initial number that I pressed shows up but the recent number doesn’t. This goes on with every button I press.
For example, I press one, it doesn’t display. I press two, one displays but two doesn’t. I press three and it doesn’t display, but one and two do. Please help.
JavaScript code
import React from "react";
import './styles.scss';
const calcGridOne = [
btnName: "AC",
btnId: "clear"
btnName: "+",
btnId: "add"
const calcGridTwo = [
btnName: "1",
btnId: "one"
btnName: "2",
btnId: "two"
btnName: "3",
btnId: "three"
btnName: "-",
btnId: "subtract"
btnName: "4",
btnId: "four"
btnName: "5",
btnId: "five"
btnName: "6",
btnId: "six"
btnName: "x",
btnId: "multiply"
btnName: "7",
btnId: "seven"
btnName: "8",
btnId: "eight"
btnName: "9",
btnId: "nine"
btnName: "/",
btnId: "divide"
const calcGridThree = [
btnName: "0",
btnId: "zero"
btnName: ".",
btnId: "decimal"
btnName: "=",
btnId: "equals"
class Calculator extends React.Component{
this.state = {
display: "0",
equationArr: [],
numArr: [],
equation: ""
this.handleInput = this.handleInput.bind(this);
this.setDisplay = this.setDisplay.bind(this);
//Handles the buttons pressed by user
// if(this.state.display === "0" && input === "."){
// this.setState({
// display: "0."
// })
// }
// console.log("equationArr before: ", this.state.equationArr);
equationArr:[...prevState.equationArr, input]
display: this.state.equationArr.join("")
// console.log("equationArr after: ", this.state.equationArr);
// console.log("------------------");
// console.log("handleInput method");
// console.log("display: ", this.state.display);
// console.log("------------------");
return (
<div className="calc-container">
<p>TEST 2 TEST 2 TEST 3</p>
<div id="display">{this.state.display}</div>
<div className="grid-container-1">
<div id={el.btnId} onClick={()=>{this.handleInput(el.btnName)}}>{el.btnName}</div>
<div className="grid-container-2">
<div id={el.btnId} onClick={()=>{this.handleInput(el.btnName)}}>{el.btnName}</div>
<div className="grid-container-3">
<div id={el.btnId} onClick={()=>{this.handleInput(el.btnName)}}>{el.btnName}</div>
export default Calculator;