Javascript course dragon repeller step 48

let xp = 0;
let health = 100;
let gold = 50;
let currentWeapon = 0;
let fighting;
let monsterHealth;
let inventory = [“stick”];

const button1 = document.querySelector(“#button1”);
const button2 = document.querySelector(“#button2”);
const button3 = document.querySelector(“#button3”);

const text = document.querySelector(“#text”);
const xpText = document.querySelector(“#xpText”);
const healthText = document.querySelector(“#healthText”);
const goldText = document.querySelector(“#goldText”);
const monsterStats = document.querySelector(“#monsterStats”);
const monsterName = document.querySelector(“#monsterName”);

const monsterHealthText = document.querySelector(“#monsterHealth”);

/initialize buttons/
button1.onclick = goStore;
button2.onclick = goCave;
button3.onclick = fightDragon;

function goTown(){
button1.innerText = “Buy 10 health (10 gold)”;
button1.onclick = buyHealth;
button2.innerText = “Buy weapon (30 gold)”;
button2.onclick = buyWeapon;
button3.innerText = “Go to town square”;
button3.onclick = goTown;
text.innerText = “You enter the store.”;

function goStore(){
button1.innerText = “Buy 10 health (10 gold)”;
button1.onclick = buyHealth;
button2.innerText = “Buy weapon (30 gold)”;
button2.onclick = buyWeapon;
button3.innerText = “Go to town square”;
button3.onclick = goTown;
text.innerText = “You enter the store.”;

function buyHealth(){


function buyWeapon(){


function goTown(){


function goCave(){


function fightDragon(){


This is the instruction: and did the latter code but it doesnt run through.
Move your goTown function above your goStore function. Then copy and paste the contents of the goStore function into the goTown function.

it’s all good now i figured it out my bad,

function goTown(){


i just copied this and didnt cut it, thats why it doesnt run.


can you share the code, i still couldnt figure it out

Can you open another thread explaining what it is that you do not understand? Thank you.

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