JavaScript Game (Idle/Clicker) - Feedback welcome!

Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

I would be more than happy to hear any criticism about this project that I am currently working on - with the intention of, one day, adding to my portfolio for job-seeking.

It’s a pretty simple clicker game:

  1. Click on the laptop to code
  2. Buy developers, on the right, to help code faster (Code Per Second)
  3. Buy upgrades, on the left, to help in various aspects of the game

Please put the links back together because I cannot post links yet!
Link to Github: htt ps://
Link to Github Pages: htt ps://

Not only I am happy to hear straight-forward critics - I would love it if you could help me improve, always more.

Thanks in advance to whoever finds the time to help me out.

All best!

Well done pretty fun game! Few suggestions.

  • Would be a good idea to detect if the browsing computer is first time comer then you can pop up a modal with the rules on how to play. You can also have a little icon somewhere on the screen to toggle that modal as well.
  • Change cursor to pointer when mouse hovers on the laptop.

Cheers :slight_smile: