JavaScript OR Operator issue

Hello Developers, I am trying to validate my image file format using the below code.

 fileName(e) {
      let selected =;
      for (let i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
          if(selected[0]['type']!=='image/jpeg' || selected[0]['type']!=='image/png')
              alert("Invalid File");
              return false;

But if I use following code only for jpeg it works

    if(selected[0]['type']!=='image/jpeg' )
              alert("Invalid File");
              return false;

If I use || condition like below it doesn’t work. only show alert and return false.

 if(selected[0]['type']!=='image/jpeg' || selected[0]['type']!=='image/png')
              alert("Invalid File");
              return false;

what is the issue here ? Thank you in advanced

selected[0][‘type’] cannot be jpeg and png at the same time so your if statement will always be true.