JS: Appending Variables to Strings

Tell us what’s happening:
I’m stuck… is it about space or semicolor or what?? heeeelp please:)

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// Example

var anAdjective = “awesome!”;

var ourStr = "freeCodeCamp is ";

ourStr += anAdjective;

// Only change code below this line

var someAdjective = “nice interesting funny!”;

var myStr = "Learning to code is ";

myStr =+ someAdjective;

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Link to the challenge:

Ok… I found it:/ it’s too early to think clear;)

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At least tell us what you found! peope that found the sollution and not sharing it are so frustrating

Like start with explaining why it should be:

var someAdjective= "awesome!";

var myStr = "Learning to code is ";

myStr += someAdjective;

and then refering to the text :
just like in the above example

var anAdjective = "awesome!";

var ourStr = "freeCodeCamp is ";

ourStr += anAdjective;
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Use one string as another

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