Just a question about Academic Honesty Policy & Plagiarism

Hi Campers !

I’ve recently finished the Technical Doc Page, that’s available here : https://codepen.io/dtettarasar/full/rNNemwV

It’s about the Ubuntu’s terminal, and all the original text content comes from there : https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/command-line-for-beginners#0

My work seems ok for me, as I’ve created all the page and all the tests are passed.

The concerns I have is related to the text content, that I’ve copied from Ubuntu’s website, I did it to save time, by not writing all the text content, considering that the main purpose was designing the responsive webpage.

And also the ‘go to top’ button, is taken from W3school

Do you think the project can be safely submitted for the responsive web certification, without causing any conflicts with the Academic Honesty Policy ? Or should I write all the text content myself and remove the ‘go to top’ button ? Or should I put the source’s link somewhere on the page ?

Let me now if there’s anything unclear, English isn’t my native tongue, so I’ve probably made some mistakes in my message.

Thanks for your help !

I wouldn’t worry about the text content too much, but you could just use Lorem Ipsum

As for the button (assuming you copied and pasted), if you understand how it was made and how it works, code your own button up from scratch. It shouldn’t be that hard.

Hi willjw3 !

Thanks for your feedback,

Obviously I forgot about lorem ipsum, that could be a good solution ! I’ll use that.

And also ok for the button, I can build one from scratch.

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