Just finished my FCC Portfolio Page!

I just finished my FCC Portfolio Page. I would really appreciate any feedback.

Comments are welcome… Thanks in advance.


I suggest

  1. changing the color combinations to something more contrasty.
  2. add scroll-behavior: smooth to the project.
  3. Add padding to the footer.
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Thanks for the feedback. I’ll change de color palette and add padding - maybe margin - to the footer.
But I don’t understand the scroll-behavior to the project.

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I applaud you for your efforts.

Make sure you keep your design consistent.

Make good use of colors. Colors invite emotions. What emotions do you want to project?

Add negative space to separate content appropiately.

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Hmm… looks a bit too much like the fcc portfolio page.
nice job though!

@phomero smooth scroll will scroll the page smoothly instead of sudden shifts down and up.

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Obrigado for yours comments!

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I’ll use negative space to more visibility between divs. Thanks to trick.
But consistent design and the right use of colors are big challenge. I’ll try.
Yours positive encouragement is welcome.


Hmm. Where would I put this piece of code? Guessing in the CSS file under body?

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