Just finished my first survey form, would love feedback

codepen link below


Welcome to the forum @Anon_Potato

  1. The first thing I noticed is that the html element has an invalid lang attribute value
  2. You have an extra form opening tag before the the body opening tag
  3. label elements should contain the for attribute
  4. input elements should contain the id attribute
  5. The label and input attribute values should match
  6. The option elements should have value attributes, otherwise your form won’t send any useful information when submitted
  7. If you are using this as a certification project, consider that potential employers may view the project, and may or may not have a sense of humour.

Wow, thanks for all the input! I really appreciate this. I will rewrite one and make it more serious for employers.

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okay here is a more serious one and i worked on the HTML

Hi there!

Good work. Use that link below to validate and find mistakes in your html file:

Thank you. I will check that out.

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Nice work. Love the file upload feature. For some reason, I never realized that was possible with HTML.

  • Consider adding some hover effects to the submit button.
  • Make sure your nice font also applies to the user inputs’ text and the submit button.
  • Set the cursor to “pointer” for the submit button.

Keep it up! You have a good eye for palettes as well.
